четверг, 25 ноября 2010 г.

C86 - An Essay

Last year a University Student got in touch with me wanting help on an essay he was writing regarding C86. I was only to keen to help out as were many others as you can see in the essay itself. Chris who wrote the essay asked for it to be posted on indie-mp3 and I was happy to oblige. I was waiting until I redesigned indie-mp3 before posting it but after a piece on Take Your Medicine I thought it would be a good idea to do it now. Here is what Chris says:

Hi all,

I wrote this essay after having studied musicology for a year at the University of Lund in Sweden. Having had to conform to academic standards has restricted my language a bit - I couldn't write as if I was doing a fanzine - but I hope you'll find it interesting enough anyway! And if you do take the trouble to read through all of these twenty or something pages, please write to me and tell me what think about it! My address is kristerbladh@linuxmail.org. Tell your friends about it, or anyone who might be interested. I wrote this essay because it's something that needs to be written about...


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