The excellent Chips & Cookies has been forced to close by the IFPI Belgium. Seems the music industry is stepping up it's attacks on mp3 blogs.
Chips and Cookies did not actually post any music. The blog creator posted links to music collections posted on servers. I am sure I remember a case in Sweden where the court ruled that it was not illegal to do this as the person being tried could not be held reponsible what others placed on the net.
It's a shame as I came across music I was unlikely to hear via Chips & Cookies and yes I did purchase the CD's of the ones I liked. As I have stated before I think there are conections between mp3 blogs and buying music but according to the labels and those who represent them there is not. Well considering sales of singles in the UK are at an all time high despite the digital revolution I would say this disproves their theory.
Any thoughts?
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